Archives by Date
December 01, 2003 |

One recent, stolen afternoon, I took a long walk in Redwood Park, a park in the East Bay hillls I've been to countless times, and was so moved by the trees that I wanted to make an album titled "ALL GOD'S CHILDREN CAN DANCE." Because the trees do. They invite me to dance too with the rustle of their garb, caress me when my eyes follow their limbs, lead me and follow me, until my heart is heavy with the sap of emotion yet soaring with the highest branches. But that's only one way to look at it. They don't play with me of course, because they don't need me, as I need them. In any case I decided not to use that title, a phrase that is only understood in fleeting moments. The trees stretch these moments into eternity, and I will try again and again to show anyone who cares to look, what is so touching about that.
Best to take a walk with me.
I will be traveling again in a few days, this time to West Africa: Mali and Mauritania. New worlds. Please look for new posts here soon; I'm looking forward to them too.
» Click here for more of these very ordinary trees. «
Posted by yingzhao 08:38 PM | Permalink